Friday 23 August 2013

Top Ten Major Diseased make Reasons of Death

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Top Ten Major Diseased make reasons of Death

Following are the top ten diseases that accumulated the most percentage out of total death figures.

1.Heart Disease:

Heart disease is count for 27.2% of total deaths which was the number one cause of death from diseases. Ways to prevent heart disease are listed below.

A) Avoid smoking: Experts considered that smoking is one of the important issues for devolving common heart diseases.Tobacco and low-nicotine are risky for heart patients according to Mayo clinic.

B) Exercise: Exercise is also helpful for heart patients. According to Maya Adopting an exercise include 30-60 minutes is very helpful for the patients.

C) It is noticed that a diet also help us in reducing the risk of such disease.

D) Keep a healthy weight

E) Test your health daily.


Cancer was the second cause of death with 24.3% numbers of total deaths. Here we share a few things that we can do to help reduce risk of cancer disease.

A) Avoid smoking

B) Must eat healthy and fresh foods.

C) Maintain a healthy wait.

D) Protect yourself from sun because exposure to the sun directly cause of skin cancer.

3. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases):

We can reduce such disease by avoiding below listed things.

A) Test your blood pressure regularly and try to control your high blood pressure because it also known as the “silent killer”.

B) Control (low) your cholesterol by eating Oatmeal Oat bran and High fiber foods.

C) Maintain a Healthy weight.

D) Exercise regularly because it also helps in reducing cerebrovascular disease.

E) Eat and drink sensibly to manage stress.

4. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases:

Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease is count for 5% of total death.

5. Accidents (Unintentional injuries):

Unintentional Injuries count for 6.1% of total Accidents. Generally it is not a diseased but interesting to see the percentage Unintentional injuries.

6. Diabetes:

Diabetes accounted for 3% of total deaths. Below the ways to control Diabetes.

A) Control your weight, which improve your health.

B) Regular Exercise

C) Control high blood pressure and test your blood pressure regularly because it is also linked with Diabetes.

7. Alzheimer’s disease:

Alzheimer’s disease, count for 1.6% of total deaths. This disease reduces a person ability to perform everyday activities.

8. Septicemia:

Septicemia counted for round about 1% of total disease Septicemia is a blood poisoning which caused by the multiplication of microorganisms in the blood.

9. Influenza and Pneumonia:

Influenza and Pneumonia counted for 2.3% of total deaths. Ways to prevent are listed below:

A) Annual flu shots (vaccine) which protect you against some potential and serious complications of the flu.

B) Washing Hand because keeping hand clean is one of the best to prevent the spread of illness and infections.

C) Eat fresh food and sleep better.

10. Nephritis:

Nephritis counted for 1.7% of total disease. Prevention listed below.

A) Avoid drinking Drugs and Alcohol.

B) Follow Doctor Advice to reduce risk of Nephritis disease.

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