Friday 23 August 2013

Top Ten Longest Rivers In The World

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Top Ten Longest Rivers In the World

There is no perfect answer to the question about the longest river of the world. But more arguments are about Nile or Amazon to be the longest river. We will discuss ten of them which are generally considered to be the longest.

1. Nile: 4135 miles

The longest river of the world is Nile with 4135 miles of length which finally falls into the MediterraneanSea. Ten countries of Africa come on its way. There are two major parts of the Nile, the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The White Nile is longer but the Blue Nile contributes more water.

2. Amazon: 3980 miles

The amazon considered to be the second largest river with a length of 3980 miles. In terms of flow and volume it is actually the largest river of the world. Seven countries of South America come on its way. Because of its flow it is still a dispute for the scientist to be the largest river.

3. Yangtze: 3915 miles

The third largest river is the Yangtze with 3915 miles in length. Itinitiates in the Qinghai province, in People Republic of China and finally drains into East Sea. This river is the largest river in region with world longest hydro-electric power system.

4. Missouri-MississippiRiver:3900 miles

. The fourth largest river on earth is Missouri-MississippiRiver. Its length is 3900 miles. It is the tenth largest river because of it average discharge. Andits name came from Ojibwa word meaning ‘Great River’. About 98.5 percent of this river resides in North America and rest to Canada.

5. Yenisei :3445 miles

The Yenisei is thought to be the greatest river system and fifth largest river of the world. It has several hydro-electric projects. About 3445 miles long and located in Russiathe Yenisei mainly occupies the Siberian region.

6. Yellow River :3010 miles

The Yellow River is the sixth largest in the world and second largest river of China. It is about 3010 miles in length. Because of its birth place it is known to be ‘the cradle of China’ while named as ‘China’s sorrow’ because of its flooding.

7. Ob-Irtysh : 3364 miles

With 3364 miles of length, the Ob-Irtysh is the seven largest river system of the world. It is located in Siberia. Occupying most of the western Siberia and Altay Mountains, they form a major basin in Asia.

8.Congo River : 2922 miles

The Congo River being the second largest in Africa and the eight largest river of the world is about 2922 miles long. After amazon is the largest basin of the world. Its name came from the kingdom of Congo as they habited near its shore. Before 1997,it is known to be Zaire Riveruntil the country became Republic of Congo.

9.Amur River(black RIver)

The Amur River is the 9th longest river of the world. It is also the border between Russian Far East and Northeastern China. The Amur River finally falls into the Pacific Ocean. It is the symbol of Russia-China relationships and also known as ‘Black River’.

10.Lena River

The Lena River is the largest river of Russia and tenth largest river of the world. It has seven joining rivers named as KirengeRiver, the Olyoyma River, the VitimRiver, the AmgaRiver, the AldanRiver, theVilyuiRiver, and the Maya River. The Lena Riverappears as the largestriver of the world when viewed through Mercator projection.


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